Professional Florida Duck Control & Removal Services
Call (800) 248-7264 For a FREE QUOTE!
We provide expert Muscovy duck trapping and removal services for residential and commercial properties. Our wildlife specialists use a variety of methods to capture, remove and control populations of nuisance Muscovy ducks in Florida.
Muscovy ducks are not considered “wildlife” in Florida. They are actually feral domestic animals.

Muscovy Duck Appearance
Caruncles are a major distinguishing Muscovy duck characteristic. Usually only present on males, caruncles are fleshy, red, warty bumps that cover the area around the eyes and extend to the base of the bill. Muscovy ducks weigh anywhere between 10 and 15 pounds (4 and 7 kg), and males are typically larger than females. They may appear solid white, solid black, or mottled, with males featuring an iridescent green or purple sheen to their feathers, unlike females of the species. They also have long, flat tails and large claws.

Trapping and Removal
Muscovy ducks are wild animals that can carry fatal diseases. Untrained individuals should not attempt to trap or remove the ducks from public or private spaces under any circumstances. Hire a Animal Rangers professional that is familiar with how to properly handle the removal of these birds.